Lily, Tulip, Hyacinth and Palm Cross Annual Sale

Lily, Tulip, Hyacinth and Palm Cross Annual Sale

Help support our 2025 Scholarship fund with the purchase of a Top-Quality  Lilies, Tulips, Hyacinths or Palm Crosses.

Lily: Presented in a beautiful basket with bow.

Tulips – Presented in basket with bow. You must indicate color: red, purple, white, pink or yellow.

*NEW* Hyacinths – Presented in basket with bow.  You must indicate color: pink, white or purple.

Palm Cross: This beautiful cross is perfect as a graveside focal point and
an encouragement to reminisce and remember.

Details on cost (for the Lily/Palm Cross) and payment will be made available prior to sale date of March 10.

Pick Up: April 12 between 9 am -11 am

131 S. Euclid Avenue, Westfield, NJ

Deadline to order is April 7, 2025. All orders must be prepaid.

Click here to order:!event/2025/3/10/spring-lily-and-palm-cross-sale

Please feel free to share this info with your friends and neighbors!

Our primary purpose is the awarding of scholarships to young
women from Westfield on the basis of academics, leadership and financial need. 

* If you are unable to pick up your purchase, please advise and
we will happily deliver locally.

Please contact us directly, via email,
if you have a problem or any questions regarding this sale.