Update from Briana Brown, a 2019 scholarship recipient

Update from Briana Brown, a 2019 scholarship recipient

We are always so happy to share good news of past scholarship recipients.  Briana Brown was the recipient of a $1000 CWC Freshman Grant in May, 2019.  Here is an update from Briana and The College of New Jersey.

“Hello everyone! My name is Briana Brown and I am a rising junior biology major. I have recently been accepted into the University of Pennsylvania’s inaugural Genetic Counseling Summer Internship Program. This highly selective, paid internship will afford me with the chance to spend six weeks in clinical genetic counseling settings, an opportunity to conduct research, shadow genetic counselors, and have one-on-one interviews with genetic counselors. Out of over 200 applicants, I was one of only three selected to join the University of Pennsylvania in their first annual internship geared towards diversifying the field of genetic counseling as a whole. Being a biology student within the School of Science here at The College of New Jersey has fully equipped me for the rigorous laboratory work, technical laboratory skills, and communication skills that I need to embark on this new journey. With this experience, I hope to gain more skills and knowledge that can advance me towards a career in genetic counseling and clinical genetics.”
— Briana Brown ’23