Webinar recap: Women of Clarity

Webinar recap: Women of Clarity

We hope those who did attend our latest webinar, Women of Clarity, found it informative.  If you did not get a chance to attend our webinar, we have included a link to the presentation in this email.

Click on the link to view the final presentation: https://bit.ly/WomenOfClarityVideo

Here are final thoughts from our guest presenters, Mariella Foley and Marianne Rodriguez of Round Table Wealth Management.

As women and leaders, we are always helping others but we in order to help/educate others, we need to be able to help ourselves first. 

Do we know what we need to know?

The 5 key items every woman need to know:

Personal Net Worth – “You are here” – You need to know your current starting point to know how to reach your goal

Personal Debt Details – Get rid of “bad” debt and try to improve the “good” debt

Annual Spending Amount – Review annually; start good habits early

Annual Savings Amount – Start saving early.  The power of compounding is incredible!

Personal Credit Score – Paying higher interest rates than necessary can have a negative compounding effect too! Keep the scores up!

These 5 areas should be reviewed annually to track our long-term progress.   

Attached is some additional information to share with everyone, including the Wealth Organizer and further information about Women of Clarity.   

Happy to answer any remaining or follow up questions if needed.  

To join our Women of Clarity Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenofclarity 

Our website (where you can also subscribe to our newsletter):  https://roundtablewealth.com/who-we-serve/women-of-clarity/

Mariella & Marianne